Can't find screencaps of the TV show, movie, music video, web series, and/or trailer you're looking for? You can leave us a comment here, requesting something you'd like for us to cap.
LAST OPEN MONTH: November 2022
To see what's already been requested/claimed/etc go here.
- Requests will be open every two months from midnight of the first day to midnight of the last day, unless otherwise stated. Any requests made in the closed periods will be ignored.
- Requests will be kept on the request list for one year after their request date unless filled sooner and then they will be deleted.
- Please include an IMBD link or year released/aired with your requests. This ensures that we mark the right copy down in the request doc.
- Please review our tags/galleries/memories and before requesting - to make sure we don't already have it. If something is already on the request list – you can express an interest in it as well. This helps us prioritize.
- Each person is allowed 5 requests per month. If you request more than 5 things, only the first 5 submitted will be logged.
- Requests will happen when they happen. We all have real-life commitments that we have to juggle as well. Please do not badger us to get them done and your asking will certainly not make it happen faster. In addition we cannot guarantee to be able to fill every request.
We reserve the right to deny your request if it is impossible to find good source material. On a related note, if a movie is currently showing on the big screen don't request it: it's probably not available yet. We also do not screencap reality tv.